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- <?php
- /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
- //
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // | PHP version 4.0 |
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // | Copyright (c) 2002 The PHP Group |
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
- // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
- // | available at through the world-wide-web at |
- // | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
- // | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
- // | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
- // | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // | Authors: Jeroen Derks <jeroen@derks.it> |
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //
- // $Id: XteaTest.php,v 1.6 2002/09/03 11:04:08 jeroend Exp $
- /** Xtea class */
- require_once( 'Xtea.php' );
- /** phpUnit classes */
- require_once( 'PHPUnit/PHPUnit.php' );
- /** Benchmarking */
- require_once( 'Benchmark/Timer.php' );
- /**
- * Tester class for Xtea class.
- *
- * @package Crypt::Test
- * @access public
- *
- * @version $Revision: 1.6 $
- * @since 2002/Aug/28
- * @author Jeroen Derks <jeroen@derks.it>
- */
- class Crypt_XteaTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase
- {
- var $obj;
- var $data;
- var $key;
- function Crypt_XteaTest($method) {
- $this->PHPUnit_TestCase($method);
- }
- function setUp() {
- $this->obj = new Crypt_Xtea;
- $this->key = '0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210';
- //$this->data = '1'; return;
- //$this->data = '01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; return;
- $this->data = '';
- for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
- $this->data .= chr($i & 0xff);
- }
- }
- function testIter() {
- $this->obj->setIter(36);
- $this->assertEquals(36, $this->obj->getIter());
- }
- function testCrypt() {
- $timer =& new Benchmark_Timer();
- $timer->start();
- for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $this->data ); ++$i )
- {
- $timer->setMarker('data');
- $data = substr( $this->data, 0, $i );
- $timer->setMarker('encryption');
- $encrypted = $this->obj->encrypt($data, $this->key);
- $timer->setMarker('decryption');
- $decrypted = $this->obj->decrypt($encrypted, $this->key);
- $timer->setMarker('assert');
- $this->assertEquals(strlen($data), strlen($decrypted));
- $this->assertEquals($data, $decrypted, "run $i failed: expected '***' (".strlen($data)."), actual '***' (".strlen($decrypted).")" );
- }
- /*
- set_time_limit(99999);
- $timer->setMarker('data');
- $data = '';
- for( $i = 0; $i < 1024 * 1024; ++$i )
- $data .= chr($i & 0xff);
- $timer->setMarker('encryption');
- $encrypted = $this->obj->encrypt($data, $this->key);
- $timer->setMarker('decryption');
- $decrypted = $this->obj->decrypt($encrypted, $this->key);
- $this->assertEquals(strlen($data), strlen($decrypted));
- $this->assertEquals($data, $decrypted, "run $i failed: expected '***' (".strlen($data)."), actual '***' (".strlen($decrypted).")" );
- */
- // make sure benchmarking output on destruction
- $timer->auto = true;
- }
- function tearDown() {
- $this->obj = NULL;
- }
- }
- ?>